Wednesday, November 24, 2010

final projects:SWOT Analysis

For the product of Old Vegas Lite, the SWOT analysis concluded that here in the vegas market the non alcoholic beer has very little competitors, I say this because that most of that type of product has little to taste or the taste is way to bitter with the price being done in a manner that it over comes the cost of making of the product. From a web site of 

( in which a Boston Beer company makes low alcoholic beer, in the site it is reported (The Boston Beer Company (Boston Beer) is engaged in production and sale of low-alcohol beverages. The company operates in the US. It is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts and employs about 780 people. The company recorded revenues of $415.1 million during the financial year ended December 2009 (FY2009), an increase of 4.2% over 2008. The increase was primarily due to increases in net selling prices. The operating profit of the company was $54.3 million in FY2009, as compared to an operating profit of $14.1 million in FY2008. The net profit was $31.1 million in FY2009, as compared to net profit of $8.1 million in FY2008)  the beers in the las vegas area are small microbrewers and are connected to some of the casinos that are here in town. Because you must pay close attention   to the buying behavior of the public in this case Las Vegas as it is said in the text book

 (Marketing: An introduction for education Management Corporation, 10th edition, Business buyer behavior refers to the buying behavior of the organizations that buy goods and services for use in the production of other products and services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others. It also includes the behavior of retailing and wholesaling firms that acquire goods to resell or rent them to others at a profit. In the business buying process, business buyers determine which products and services their organizations need to purchase and then find, evaluate, and choose among alternative suppliers and brands. Business-to-business (B-to-B) marketers must do their best to understand business markets and business buyer behavior. Then, like businesses that sell to final buyers, they must build profitable relationships with business customers by creating superior customer value (see Marketing at Work 5.2). this comes from page 37 of 59)

In looking at the over all market of the vegas valley for the content of non alcoholic beer, there is very little competition, however what competition there is has a attachment to a social stigma of which needs to be delt with first,
 the Strength of the non or low alcoholic beer in the vegas market is some what weak however there is a strong placement for the product it is in this manner: 
  • the growing trend of non alcoholic drinkers with the ages of 25+
  • Vegas is a growing population with a changing face and new commers comming in every month
  • the new faces are more concerned with the growing ideas of todays social concerns then those that came before it
  • that ads of  some of now  the most popular beer companies are now  placing ads preaching the thought of drinking resonability
  • the fact that there are now programs in place at a public school level that now teach the idea of alhocolic awareness.
the Weakness of the market in order to sell the product is troublesome for you need to educate the public first.
  • educate them that the idea of this product is not like any that has come before it
  • the idea that if you drink this it is not promoting the idea to drink a real beer and do something illeagle
  • the ability to get the raw materials to a place that will make the product at a pace that will satasify and delite the customer base that you are trying to create
  • the over all cost of the material, such as:
  • water
  • power
  • gas for the trucks in the disturbition process
  • over head cost on the building, as well as permits for the brewing of the product
  • cost of the office employees that will take the orders, cost of the sales people, cost of the plant workers/drivers
However there is a large market out there in which brings the Opportunity to making a product like this grow,
  • the making of a brand idea that will gain public trust
  • the making of a product that will last a true test of about 5 to 6 years of growth
 the Threat to this is in the small microbrewers that are in the town and as the book says  you need to make a demand for the product
(The business marketer normally deals with far fewer but far larger buyers than the consumer marketer does. Even in large business markets, a few buyers often account for most of the purchasing. For example, when Goodyear sells replacement tires to final consumers, its potential market includes the owners of the millions of cars currently in use around the world. But Goodyear’s fate in the business market depends on getting orders from one of only a handful of large automakers. Similarly, Black & Decker sells its power tools and outdoor equipment to tens of millions of consumers worldwide. However, it must sell these products through three huge retail customers—Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Wal-Mart—which combined account for more than half its sales. 5 Understanding Consumer and Business Buyer Beh... (page 38 of 59 — printed page 157) with this info I have a good Idea as to what a good competitive price needs to be for a product.

(this is for a school project, none of this is in real production, its sol reason is for a grade in Fundamentails of marketing class, Art institute of las vegas)

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