Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 3 EOC: making money for good.

In today’s digital age and the me generation, it is easy for us all to get lost in the rat race of day to day events and forget that we are not just a set of individuals but rather a group of people in a large village that we call the earth. On this we find others that are not as well off or for that manner have less than we do, it is here that we face the greatest of challenges: how to leave a legacy, for you see it is not about us, it is about leaving something for the next generation to come it is however the reasonability of those that are here now to make a difference and who is doing this?
Companies such as: Apple Inc. there company’s ability and community connection is committed to improving the world at large in the effort to make it better   (With iPad, I have all my projects, my lists, my tasks, my email, and my calendar in one place. And I’m still connected to the office wherever I go.”Lane Wood, Development Officer
charity: water
the most thing about this event that Apple is with is the fact that it is tied in with Toms Shoes, this organization helps bring to third world place cleaner water and with that a better world for them and all of us  the apple corporation and the i-pad have given the ability to make it easier to pass on information (iPad is helping us to fulfill our mission of bringing safe drinking water to the world,” says Harrison. “It’s a pivotal part of our business which in the end – is saving lives all around the globe.” ) Apple has always been a major player in the world events and a major contributor to world views as a whole (Harrison explains: “A donor says, ‘I’m excited; how do I help?’ And you say, ‘You can take out your credit card right now, and I’ll mail you the receipt.’ It’s great because it turns a meaningful conversation into action.”) it is company’s like this that are helping make the world a better place and leave a better legacy for the generations to come to fellow.

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