Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Eoc week 1; excellent customer service experience

Eoc  week 1; excellent customer service experience
“Getting customers excited about the service they had at Zappos has to come naturally,” says Magness. “You can’t teach it; you have to hire for it.”; (An Introduction For Education Managment Corporation, 10th Edition, Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler, page 2).
It is with this I believe that customer service is all about, it must go beyond the product but in to the idea of the oneness of the customer, or for us the client. When you walk in to a store or shop the place must be clean, the greeting must be friendly and the needs of the customer is the number one thought of the day, from the time they are in tell the time they leave. Like family, is they way they must feel, they may not remember what was said to them but they will remember how they felt after it was said.

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