Wednesday, October 27, 2010

EOC week 4: Advertising is brand on Happiness

In the world today, the buying behavior of people is a process of expectation of the service or the product, though out the years I have bought many items of many different types, the most recent has been a investment in to my future. When one invest in ones future it is in a way a search within, a battle of the self, it is here that we find the expectation of what we precise to be real, but is it ? that is hard to say, a investment is met to have a return , while a purchase of something is met for instant satisfaction, for me to define what makes me happy about the course of events that lead me to invest in my future is done in two parts;
1.       It is out of a need, a need to have a better tomorrow, a need to do better than those that came before me.
2.       It was a need to bring forth in to my life a purpose.
I chose to embark on being a certified Sensory Therapist.
Do I regret this decision, no I do not, it is a investment in to a better tomorrow, it will give me the ability to use my abilities that the heavens above gave me to help those that do not have a voice for this I am pleased very much. I will admit that before I made the final decision I went through the process of do I really have what it takes to pull this off, this is a question that every one does when they buy something, saying do I really want this, it seems that at time we as a group are more concerned with what others think then they reason that we need to have it, we end up letting others do the thinking for us and as a result let them talk us out of what it is we are doing.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 3 EOC: internet privacy vs. market research

In today’s digital age, the internet is our friend but is it. The company’s of today use the internet to make market research in the hopes that the research will bring to them fruit of profit. This is done in the ways of cookie’s, these are small bits of info attached to a web site that are bounced back to the the company's  in a article published in netWorker: The Craft of Network Computing Vol. 2, No. 3 (June/July 1998), Pages 13-18. The definitive version can be found at It was said, (Why is so much of the recent attention to privacy issues focused on Internet privacy when consumers have had privacy concerns long before they started doing business online? Certainly, the current hype surrounding the Internet in general has contributed to the buzz. These days, anything that happens online seems much more exciting than things going on in the "real" world. But in the case of online privacy, I think there is some substance behind the hype. ) internet privacy is a real issue and in today’s age with it is not knowing what it is that is out there and who it is that is looking at it there is a massive real issue as to what they will do and are able to do (Fortunately, there are laws to protect you when you’re online. And legitimate online advertisers are concerned with protecting your data—you should be, too. there are a few steps that can be done to protect you in this manner
  • 1. Safeguard your computer: Use a firewall so only trusted servers can access your computer. Install anti-virus and anti-spyware software - and keep it updated.
  • Read privacy policies: Before sharing personal information, read a site’s privacy policy. Does it guarantee to safeguard your data and not sell or share it? If the site has no policy, be wary.
  • Never reply to spammers: Millions of spammers fire off their unwanted spam messages without knowing if the email addresses are real. When you respond, you indicate there's a real person attached to your address, prompting a potential spam flood.
There are many more but these steps are some of the most simple ones that can start the ball rolling and keep you internet healthy.

Week 3 EOC: making money for good.

In today’s digital age and the me generation, it is easy for us all to get lost in the rat race of day to day events and forget that we are not just a set of individuals but rather a group of people in a large village that we call the earth. On this we find others that are not as well off or for that manner have less than we do, it is here that we face the greatest of challenges: how to leave a legacy, for you see it is not about us, it is about leaving something for the next generation to come it is however the reasonability of those that are here now to make a difference and who is doing this?
Companies such as: Apple Inc. there company’s ability and community connection is committed to improving the world at large in the effort to make it better   (With iPad, I have all my projects, my lists, my tasks, my email, and my calendar in one place. And I’m still connected to the office wherever I go.”Lane Wood, Development Officer
charity: water
the most thing about this event that Apple is with is the fact that it is tied in with Toms Shoes, this organization helps bring to third world place cleaner water and with that a better world for them and all of us  the apple corporation and the i-pad have given the ability to make it easier to pass on information (iPad is helping us to fulfill our mission of bringing safe drinking water to the world,” says Harrison. “It’s a pivotal part of our business which in the end – is saving lives all around the globe.” ) Apple has always been a major player in the world events and a major contributor to world views as a whole (Harrison explains: “A donor says, ‘I’m excited; how do I help?’ And you say, ‘You can take out your credit card right now, and I’ll mail you the receipt.’ It’s great because it turns a meaningful conversation into action.”) it is company’s like this that are helping make the world a better place and leave a better legacy for the generations to come to fellow.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Week 2 EOC: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

The video game industry is a large money maker and in my view the cash cow would go to Nintendo, this is because for the longest time they have always be on the forefront of the industry, producing new innovations in the overall system as well as the level of games that are sold to the public.
( in today’s market there is an average of 174 million players in the US along, with Nintendo leading the sales (, this is followed close by Playstation 3 and the Sony corp. of who targets the 20+ market the last on the list of those in the industry that has yet to make a good mark in the homes of the American public is the Xbox360 for Microsoft, there is and has been many problem in the system, however their main target in the market is in the online users. With this said it is evident that they are the loosing in it competitive base, and much more needs to be done on their part, the one that most are over looking, if not doing so quietly, is in the app games for the I-pad and I phone and the new Droid phone, in a article  it was said ("Look at a 33-year-old dad buying a system for both himself and his 6-year-old son.  In 2002, this dad would have been born in 1969 which would have made him 18 when the NES took-off around 1987. Back then, 18-year-olds did not play video games in large numbers. Instead, this dad would most likely have cut his teeth on something like the Atari 2600. The Nintendo name would not have meant much to him. Go forward to 2007 and this 33-year old would have been 13 in 1987 and would probably have been very familiar with Nintendo and its characters like Mario and Zelda. A 33-year-old dad in 2007 becomes one of the first generation of parents personally familiar with Nintendo products and thus possibly inclined to buy a Nintendo system for his children. Consumers in their teens and twenties tend to distance themselves from the products of their childhood, but such concerns over 'being cool' can start to disappear with age, replaced by nostalgia. This trend alone, which Nintendo is well aware of, could really benefit Nintendo going forward. Thus, they are putting a big emphasis on the nostalgia card and focusing on their historical software library, as well as games that have cross-generational appeal."( ) What does this mean? It means that we are now on the very edge of a new era in the industry where anytime, anyplace, and anywhere is a standard and not a thought, the future is here, and the phone is ringing.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Eoc week 1; excellent customer service experience

Eoc  week 1; excellent customer service experience
“Getting customers excited about the service they had at Zappos has to come naturally,” says Magness. “You can’t teach it; you have to hire for it.”; (An Introduction For Education Managment Corporation, 10th Edition, Gary Armstrong and Philip Kotler, page 2).
It is with this I believe that customer service is all about, it must go beyond the product but in to the idea of the oneness of the customer, or for us the client. When you walk in to a store or shop the place must be clean, the greeting must be friendly and the needs of the customer is the number one thought of the day, from the time they are in tell the time they leave. Like family, is they way they must feel, they may not remember what was said to them but they will remember how they felt after it was said.

Week 1 EOC my voice

The Ravens voice,
It is said that in the days of old the Raven would bring back messages from the lands of the dead to those of the living, messages of loved ones that have left with work undone,  deeds left unfinished, left to be done to the next generation. The name of Raven Flight was chosen, as a way to give wings and voice to the message that people and my clients wish to have heard. I have always felt that what I do should leave behind a mark in a positive way to the world, saying that we are here; it should say that we belong. It was told to me long ago, that we have three masks of which we wear, the first is the one that we create our selves it is made of what we believe, what we are taught and by what we see from the world that is around us, the second is made by others, it is in their beliefs and in their ways of seeing the world around them, and the last mask that is made is our true selves. What is all of this leading to, it is the reason that Ravenflight is here, it helps shape the first mask, by helping the viewer see the world around them in a light that they never have before, it helps them read the life that they shear with others . It is in this way that the message is given wings and takes flight.